Weekly problems and solutions

Weekly problem sets will be announced (no later than) Fridays and are due the following Friday. Hand in using Devilry (will be set up asap after course registration deadline Feb 1st).

You can get help at the weekly problem sessions. You are strongly encouraged to take advantage of these! 

Solutions will be posted after hand-in deadline.

Problem set 1 -- Solution

Problem set 2 -- Solution

Problem set 3 -- Solution

Problem set 4 -- Solution

Problem set 5 -- Solution

Problem set 6 -- Solution

Problem set 7 -- Solution

Problem set 8 -- Solution

HOME EXAM  -- Solution 

Problem set 9 -- Solution

Problem set 10 -- Solution

Problem set 11 -- Solution

Problem set 12 -- Solution

Problem set 13 -- Solution

Publisert 12. jan. 2017 16:02 - Sist endret 23. mai 2017 14:09