
Published Nov. 30, 2005 10:44 AM

Summary and exam discussion slides can be found under slides, see the file summary.pdf. Final exam list has been sent to you all, for changes please contact

Published Nov. 28, 2005 9:34 AM

Final version of lecture notes available on wednesday 30 November, last lecture as well. Summary and discussion of exam.

Published Nov. 14, 2005 7:42 AM

Project 6 is presented and discussed during monday's lecture (14 november). It is available from 10 am of november 14.

Published Nov. 1, 2005 10:40 AM

Master projects in computational Physics and Science (in Norwegian), see this link for more information. In addition, there is a specific link to master and PhD projects in Computational Quantum Mechanics, see the quantum physics link

Published Oct. 27, 2005 11:45 AM

For those of you interested in High-Performance computing in Physics, parallelization tools and numerical methods, there is a workshop at the Center of excellence Mathematics for Applications, november 4 2005, see this link for more info.

Published Oct. 27, 2005 11:42 AM

Lecture notes for chapter 10, 12, 13 and 14 are ready. Chapter 11 (quantum monte carlo) needs some more editing. It is not part of the syllabus(pensum). Project 5 will be available and discussed on monday october 31. The chapters from the lecture notes which form the syllabus(pensum) for the oral examination can be found under the syllabus link at this webpage.

Published Oct. 3, 2005 1:01 AM

Upgraded lecture of chapter 10 (statistical physics, chapter 11 in lecture notes from 2003) will be available on wednesday this week. See also chapter 22 of Landau and Paez.

Published Sep. 26, 2005 10:27 AM

Chapter 9 and project 3 are available after 10 am today.

Published Sep. 23, 2005 4:34 PM

NOTE: Change of lecture hall on wednesday 28/9. Store Fysiske Auditorium.

Published Sep. 19, 2005 11:19 AM

Project 2 is available from 10 am monday 19 september. Chapter 8 of lecture notes and all c++ programs discussed in that chapter are also available.

Published Sep. 12, 2005 1:24 PM

For those of you using Windows, there is an excellent C++ compiler from Dev C++

Published Sep. 4, 2005 4:51 PM

Project 1 is available from 10 am monday 5 september under projects. You will also find chapter 4 of lecture notes and library files for Fortran 90/95, C/C++ and Blitz++ under programs. These libraries are discussed on monday's lecture.

Published Aug. 29, 2005 12:27 PM

Exercise 3.1 is ready. In addition programs for this week can be found under prorams/chapter3. Revised lecture notes for chapter 2 and 3 will be posted on wednesday 31/8 (approx 10am). For monday's lecture you can use chapter 2 and 3 from the 2003 lecture notes.

Published Aug. 25, 2005 10:58 AM

Classfronter is used for handing in projects, managing your own course portfolio and as a discussion forum. All other information such as lecture notes, programs, exercises, projects etc will appear only at this official webpage. For the link to your Classfronter login go

Published Aug. 22, 2005 12:16 AM

Lectures from 2003 are available under Lectures. The preface, chapter 1 and chapter 2 are also available. All C++ programs discussed in chapter 2 are available under programs/chapter2. Fortran90 programs are available only in case there is at least one Fortran user.

The exercises for this week will be put under exercises on wednesday the 24th.