Dear, all this is the last week of lectures and lab.
Friday the 30th is our last lab session and the last lecture is Thursday Nov 29. There we will end our discussion of partial differential equations and wrap up our discussions of the various variants of project 5. We will also wrap up the course.
The deadline for project 5 has been pushed to Wednesday December 13.
Best wishes to everybody and good luck with your finals and project 5. It has been a great pleasure to meet you all.
Anders, Andrei, Anna, Mathias, Morten and Sebastian (who is now recovering well).
FYS3150/4150 weekly update and final projects
Dear all, here comes the weekly fys3150/4150 update.
At the link, or by doing a git pull, you will find 6 variants for project 5. We will discuss these this week (tomorrow Anders, Mathias and Anna will discuss some of the above projects) while the theory for the partial differential equation projects will be discussed for the rest of the semester.
There may be further edits to the projects as soon as we find typos etc. Stay tuned. In particular, the MD project may undergo some further edits. I am not too happy with its present layout.
The projects are
1) a quantum mechanical Monte Carlo calculation of project 2, see chapter 14...
The summary slides are all available from the github link of the course.
Go to the github address for the course. The molecular dynamics project will be ready on Friday November 13. The deadline if December 11, at midnight.
Go to the github link and you will find the pdf and latex files. The project will be discussed during the lectures on Thursday the 22nd and Friday the 23rd of October.
Project 2 is now available, a git pull gives you the latest update.
Project 1 is now available, go to the github repository and the Projects link. A simple git pull should give you everything.
The github address of the course is
You can also go directly to for example the lecture notes by following the link