Weekly plans and update for week 44

Dear all,

last week we discussed in detail the technicalities of project 4 and linked the Ising model with the Monte Carlo algorithm and the sampling rule for accepting or rejecting a move. The latter lead us to the Metropolis algorithm.

We will derive it this Thursday (see chapter 12.5 of the lecture notes)  and we will also continue our discussion of project 4 this Thursday and parts of Friday. Most of these technicalities are covered by chapter 13 of the lecture notes. 

Friday we will need to go back to chapter 11 and discuss some statistics which is related to our understanding of errors and how we compute them in a reliable way. This will lead us to the central limit theorem and the calculation of statistical quantities like the covariance (covered by chapter 11.2 of the lecture notes). Hopefully this can lead to a better understanding on how we compute the standard deviation from a Monte Carlo calculation.  


Next week we will end the Monte carlo part of the lectures with more examples before we venture into our last topic, differential equations, ordinary and partial ones (chapters 8, 9 and 10 of the lecture notes). This topic will keep us busy the rest of the semester. 

Note change of lecture hall on Thursday to KJM 1.

In summary, this week is dedicated entirely to a discussion of project 4 and theory related to the Monte Carlo simulations.

Best wishes to you all,

Aram, Daniel, Halvard, Jonas and Morten


Publisert 30. okt. 2019 04:55 - Sist endret 30. okt. 2019 05:02