Changing Canvas groups and missing feedback on project 1

Hi all,

Due to technical difficulties with Canvas and group changes, we will now lock the groups from the deadline of a project until we're done grading that project. After that we will reopen the groups again to allow you to move to another group before the next deadline. If you have any questions, or for some reason need to change group while the groups are locked, please contact our Canvas guru, Even.

For project 1 there seems to be one case (group 75) where a person has changed group after the deadline, and as a consequence their project 1 submission has disappeared from Canvas. We're soon finished with grading all the other project 1 submissions, so if you haven't received feedback before Thursday morning, please contact us so we can sort it out.

Publisert 20. sep. 2021 11:34 - Sist endret 20. sep. 2021 11:34