Some webpage updates

Hi all,

Some updates on our GitHub page:

  • In Project 1 I have rephrased problem 7 a bit, and I've removed problem 11 (to free up some time in the lectures for other discussions).
  • For those using Windows + WSL, there is now some additional info on our Windows users page, about:
    • How you can access your Linux/WSL files from your Windows applications, e.g. if you want to use your favourite Windows text editor.
    • How you can switch on the standard Linux keyboard shortcuts ctrl+shift+c/v for copy/paste in your Linux terminal.
  • I've extended the page about variables in C++ with some info on type safety, the meaning of "const", and how scoping works in C++ compared to Python.


Publisert 27. aug. 2022 10:13 - Sist endret 27. aug. 2022 10:15