Exam solution 2013

Exam solution 2013 can be found here

Publisert 24. juni 2013 13:18

Exam solution 2013 can be found here

Publisert 15. apr. 2013 12:50
Publisert 15. apr. 2013 12:49
Publisert 18. mars 2013 21:49

Lecture 7 was updated today!

Publisert 11. mars 2013 13:46

Lecture 6 was updated today before the lecture!

Publisert 19. feb. 2013 18:12

Lab assistant Espen (on Wednesdays) can be contacted on e-mail espenshe[at]student.matnat.uio.no or go to room v333.

Publisert 18. feb. 2013 12:57

Lecture 5 was updated today before the lecture!

Publisert 12. feb. 2013 15:44

Use the C-code templates provided for microcontroller labs! This is mandatory!

Publisert 12. feb. 2013 15:43

List of approved labs is now available

Publisert 2. feb. 2013 13:39

IMPORTANT! Send the labs to Bent Furevik, according to Lab Submission

Publisert 2. feb. 2013 13:28

See updated lecture plan; no lecture on 11. February

Publisert 23. jan. 2013 10:26

For LabVIEW questions, send them to Jan Kenneth.

Publisert 23. jan. 2013 10:26

See updated information for lab submission!