Link til sensorveiledning v?ren 2021: sensorveiledning
Please return the Lab-kit (Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense) as soon as possible but before 1. July 2021.
You can hand it in at Ekspedisjonen, room V144 in the Physics building, between 9.00 and 15.00 Monday to Friday.
If you prefer to send it back by mail the address is:
Postboks 1048
0316 OSLO
Ekspedisjonen can be contacted by:
Phone: 22 85 64 28
If you are allowed to take the Exam (all labs approved) you should now have received an e-mail with an invitation to the zoom oral exam.
Make sure that you have received the invitation!
See the attached exam list with date and time (oppm?teplan), same as on the course web page.
Exam preparation lecture slides from today is available under lectures. Video recording is not available.
See the Exam list for the oral exam!
Make sure that you are on the list if you have all labs approved!
This year there will be an oral exam (due to Covid-19), and we will use Zoom.
Examination days are 7th June, 8th June and 9th June, based on random pick. If you need to avoid a specific day due to conflict with another exam, please send a message (e-mail to Jan Kenneth Bekkeng or in CANVAS) indicating which exam day to avoid and what other exam that is causing the issue.
Based on this an attendance list (candidates) for each exam day will be published here on the FYS3240 web page (for both courses) at the latest one week before the exam. And you will later receive and invite to the exam in Zoom.
Examination start will be from 08.00 (at the earliest) to 15.00 (at the latest), and the examination will last for about 30 minutes.
You will be invited to an exam preparation lecture via Zoom in the end of May. In this lecture you can ask questions you may have related to different topics.
The recording of lecture 10 will be available in the evening today (16. March).
Lab 5 (for Master students following FYS4240) is now available.
Starting next week (week 5) i will be avaliable on zoom each tuesday and thursday from 12:15-16:00. The idea is for you to join if you have any questions or if you want help. The link to theese meetings is: (same link both days). Let me know if you have any questions about this.
- J?rgen Brevik
Lab work to be done at home! At the moment it is not possible to have any computers set up at the Physics lab (as backup for people with Linux/Mac problems).
Lab-kit (Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense og tilbeh?r) er pakket i poser og klare for henting p? Ekspedisjonen, rom V144 i Fysikkbygningen. Ekspedisjonen er ?pen mellom kl. 9-15 mandag til fredag.
Lister over de som skal f?lge kurset ligger der, og dere m? kvittere for uthenting av lab-kit.
Det er per i dag 25 lab-kit tilgjengelig, de resterende 15 stykk blir tilgjengelig i neste uke.
Lab1 is a LabVIEW turtorial and you do not need to hand in anything from this lab.
The lab assignments are mandatory and lab2-4 (FYS3240) or lab2-5 (FYS4240) need to be approved to take the exam.
The Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense can be borrowed (see first lecture). If you want to own one it is also inexpensive, see for instance ABX00031 - kj?pe Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense - Arduino - Elfa (
Lab 1 will start Monday 18.2, and should be finished by the end of Friday 29.2 Lab 2 will start Monday 1.3.
Both Lab 1 and Lab 2 will be available under lab assignments from the end of this week.
The procedure for handing in the labs will be provided as soon as possible.
The teaching assistant (TA) for the lab is J?rgen Brevik, and his contact information will be provided on the course page.
Available from Arduino Cookbook, 3rd Edition ( (at the UIO, using a UIO computer with UIO Direct Access at home or logged into a UIO computer from your private home computer using for instance UiO Programkiosk - Universitetet i Oslo).
F?rste forelesning ligger ute, og den inkluderer ogs? mye viktig praktisk informasjon. Se timeplan.
The first lecture is available, and contains important practical information. See timeplan