
All lectures for 2022 are now available (as PDFs).

First four lectures are available as pre-recordings. Lecture 1 (18th January) will only be digital - by own playback of the pre-recording.

Most likely pre-recordings (digital lecture) will be used for several weeks. Depending on the COVID-19 situation physical lectures can be possible from week 4, at the earliest.  The Timeplan will be updated and messages posted. 

Also note that most of the lecture slides were pre-recorded for 2021. For some slides some minor details (e.g. related to admin) have been updated for 2022, but the recording is the same. In that case the correct and updated information for 2022 is written on the slide.

All lab assignments are also available.

Publisert 30. des. 2021 14:00 - Sist endret 30. des. 2021 14:00