
Publisert 16. mai 2020 12:20
The examination is oral and with external censorship. The examination will be hold at the e-room. Altogether your presence at the e-room is required for approximately 55 min. E-rooms will be organized via zoom and each candidate receives an individual invitation to the e-room.  English, Norwegian, Swedish and Danish languages are possible to use for this examination. 
When you enter the e-room, you will be randomly assigned with a topic to present (among 16 topics in the list) and you will then have 30 minutes preparation time. You can use any sort of materials during the preparation.
The examination itself will take approximately 25 minutes. The examination starts with your presentation of the selected topic for maximum of 15 min. Under the circumstances of the e-room examinations, in advanced prepared slides can be used during the presentations. NB, there are no advantages or disadvantages to use 15 min in full or finish earlier -...
Publisert 16. mai 2020 12:19

The exam is now scheduled, see the info below

FYS3400, Spring 2020, final examination 

  1. Periodic lattices as a result of the interatomic force balance in solids: basic ideas and specific interpretation of the ionic bonding, e.g. in NaCl.
  2. Defects in crystals; case of vacancies - reason to occur and equilibrium concentration.
  3. Interpretation of the x-ray diffraction in reciprocal space; Laue condition; Bragg planes; Brillouin zones (BZs).
  4. Atomic vibrations in infinite periodic lattices; dispersion relation - ω(k) and group velocity - vg(k) in the 1-st BZ of 1D crystal.
  5. Quantization of vibrations; restrictions on k-numbers because of the boundary conditions; phonon density of states (DOS)...
Publisert 14. mai 2020 11:58

Andrej Kuznetsov is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: FYS3400 - Summary
Time: May 14, 2020 12:15 PM Paris

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 698 4677 7757

Documentation on how to use Zoom can be found here:

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+4773494877,,69846777757# Norway
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Dial by your location
        +47 7349 4877 Norway
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        +46 8 4468 2488 Sweden
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        +45 32 70 12 06 Denmark
Meeting ID: 698 4677 7757
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Publisert 13. mai 2020 09:54

Dear All.

Today's lecture, in particular inended to summarize properties of electrons is canceled. Instead, we do a short summary of the whole course tomorrow 12:15-13:00.




Publisert 12. mai 2020 08:02

Dear all,

Zoom ID for todays group: 667-5544-0196

Best Regards,

Ymir Frodason

Publisert 7. mai 2020 10:49

Andrej Kuznetsov is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: FYS3400 7thMay 12:15-13:00 p- junction
Time: May 7, 2020 12:15 PM Paris

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 628 6498 5284

Join by SIP

Join by H.323
Meeting ID: 628 6498 5284

Publisert 5. mai 2020 17:42

Andrej Kuznetsov is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: FYS3400 MAY6th 10-12 am: Intrinsic and extrinsic electrons and holes in semiconductors; carrier statistics
Time: May 6, 2020 10:15 AM Paris

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 688 6684 7646

Join by SIP

Join by H.323
Meeting ID: 688 6684 7646

Publisert 30. apr. 2020 07:11

Andrej Kuznetsov is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: FYS3400 30April 12-13  Intrinsic and extrinsic electrons and holes in semiconductors
Time: Apr 30, 2020 12:15 PM Paris

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 676 1583 8079

Join by SIP

Join by H.323
Meeting ID: 676 1583 8079

Publisert 29. apr. 2020 09:11

Andrej Kuznetsov is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: FYS3400 29thApril Effective mass method for calculating localized energy levels for defects in crystals
Time: Apr 29, 2020 10:15 AM Paris

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 621 4442 4261

Join by SIP

Join by H.323
Meeting ID: 621 4442 4261

Publisert 28. apr. 2020 08:16

Dear all,

Join by using the Zoom ID: 667-5544-0196

Best Regards,

Ymir Frodason

Publisert 22. apr. 2020 12:44

Andrej Kuznetsov is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: FYS3400, 23/4/2020 12:15 - 13:00 CET, Effective mass method 
Time: Apr 23, 2020 12:15 PM Paris

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 685 8083 1214

Join by SIP

Join by H.323
Meeting ID: 685 8083 1214

Join by Skype for Business

Publisert 21. apr. 2020 21:55

Andrej Kuznetsov is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: FYS3400: Origin of the band gap; Nearly free electron model; Kronig-Penney model
Time: Apr 22, 2020 10:15 AM Paris

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 671 2190 9693

Join by SIP

Join by H.323
Meeting ID: 671 2190 9693

Join by Skype for Business

Publisert 21. apr. 2020 08:13

Dear all,

I will host a video meeting on Zoom for group today. You can join using the Zoom ID: 683-2373-2240

Best Regards,

Ymir Frodason

Publisert 14. apr. 2020 15:01

Andrej Kuznetsov is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: FYS3400, Thursday, the 16th of April
Time: Apr 16, 2020 12:15 PM Paris

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 622 8597 6399

Join by SIP

Join by H.323
Meeting ID: 622 8597 6399

Join by Skype for Business

Publisert 14. apr. 2020 14:11

Andrej Kuznetsov is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: FYS3400, Wednesday, the 15th of April
Time: Apr 15, 2020 10:15 AM Paris

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 639 8077 6187

Join by SIP

Join by H.323
Meeting ID: 639 8077 6187

Join by Skype for Business

Publisert 14. apr. 2020 08:03

Dear all,

I will host a video meeting on Zoom for group today. You can join using the Zoom ID: 683-2373-2240

Best Regards,

Ymir Frodason

Publisert 3. apr. 2020 10:00

The final exam in FYS3400 will be conducted as an oral examination as planned. The exam will be conducted digitally via the videoconference platform zoom due to the corona-situation. You will receive further practical information regarding the exam after Easter.

The course will be graded Passed/Fail, in adherence to the guidelines for examinations at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in the spring semester of 2020. The guidelines are published here:

For further information regarding zoom please see  /english/services/it/phone-chat-videoconf/zoom/

Please contact if you have questions regarding this.

Publisert 1. apr. 2020 09:10

Topic: Lectur...

Publisert 31. mars 2020 21:22

I will give the second lecture on thermal and electric properties of disordered systems om Wednesday, April 1. at 10:15. The zoom details are given below. Also, prepare any questions that you may have about the first lecture, we can discuss his at the beginning.



Topic: Lecture, FYS3400. 1/4...

Publisert 25. mars 2020 08:47

Dear All.

As you are aware, starting from this week we turned to the e-lectures. ...

Publisert 24. mars 2020 21:38

As previously announced, I will give the lecture on Wednesday 25/3 at the usual time, 10:15-12:00. The zoom information is given below. The lecture notes are already on the webpage.

Joakim Bergli


Topic: Lecture FYS3400, Wednesday 25/3 2020...

Publisert 23. mars 2020 10:49

Dear all,

I will be hosting a video meeting on Zoom for the Group tomorrow (Tuesday 24/3 at 08:15-10:00). It should be possible to form breakout rooms in the meeting if you wish to work together in groups.


Best Regards,

Ymir Frodason

Publisert 21. mars 2020 10:03

We are trying to adapt to online lecturing, and I intend to make a trial of interactive lecture on the usual lecture time, 10:15 on Wednesday 25/3. We will use the Zoom application (see this page for help

/english/services/it/phone-chat-videoconf/zoom/). This allows listening to the lecture, and should be accessible through any browser, or better by installing the app. In addition to listening, it also allows you to interact with the lecturer, asking questions, giving feedback etc. This is the first time I try this system, and I hope many of you will participate and test the various features, so we can learn how to teach without having normal classes. In addition, I will provide the slides on the...

Publisert 12. mars 2020 10:53

Dear All.


From today, in accordance with the recommendations from the Department of Physics all lectures will be done in e-form. The slides will be available as usual at the website of the course and the podcasts of the lectures will be linked to the course website too.




Publisert 9. mars 2020 08:56