Welcome to FYS3400

Dear All.


Welcome to FYS3400. As you may already know, this course is based on C.Kittel’s Introduction to Solid State Physics, Chapters 1-9, 17-20. The plan for the first lectures - comprising Module I - is the following: 

Module I – Periodity and Disorder (Chapters 1-3, 19, 20)   


 Mo 15/1  10-12  Introduction. Crystal bonding. Periodicity and lattices. Lattice planes and Miller indices. Reciprocal space.


Th  18/1  10-11   Bragg diffraction and Laue condition  


Mo  22/1 10-12  Ewald construction, interpretation of a diffraction experiment, Bragg planes and Brillouin zones 


Th   25/1 10-11  Surfaces and interfaces. Disorder. Defects crystals. Equilibrium concentration of vacancies  


Mo  29/1 10-12  Mechanical properties of solids. Diffusion phenomena in solids


Th    1/2  10-11   Summary of Module I  


See you at the first lecture!



Publisert 10. jan. 2024 11:40 - Sist endret 10. jan. 2024 11:41