
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
21.11.2008? ? Problem set 11? Final exercise class?
20.11.2008? ? Lasers and coherent light? Last lecture of the course?
18.11.2008? ? Stimulated emission and the principle of lasers? ?
14.11.2008? ? Problem set 10? ?
13.11.2008? ? Life time and line width of an atomic level? ?
11.11.2008? ? Photon emission from an excited atom? ?
07.11.2008? ? Problem set 9? ?
06.11.2008? ? Photon emission and photon absorption? ?
04.11.2008? ? No lecture? ?
31.10.2008? ? Discussion of solutions to the midterm exam? ?
30.10.2008? ? Photon emission and absorption? ?
28.10.2008? ? Photons: Quanta of the electromagnetic field? ?
24.10.2008? ? No teaching? Deadline for return of solutions to the midterm exam.?
23.10.2008? ? No teaching? ?
21.10.2008? ? No teaching? ?
17.10.2008? ? Problem set 8? Midterm exam: The problem set available on the course page?
16.10.2008? ? Maxwell theory; how to quantize the electromagnetic field? ?
14.10.2008? ? Quantum computation? ?
10.10.2008? ? Problem set 7? ?
09.10.2008? ? Introduction to quantum information? ?
07.10.2008? ? Bell's inequalities? ?
03.10.2008? ? Problem set 6? ?
02.10.2008? ? The EPR paradox? ?
30.09.2008? ? Quantum entanglement? Lectures at usual time 12.15?
30.09.2008? Auditorium 467? at 10.15? Problem set 5? Exercises moved from Friday, September 26.?
26.09.2008? ? No teaching? Exercises moved to Tuesday, september 30, at 10.15.?
25.09.2008? ? Composite quantum states and quantum correlations? ?
23.09.2008? ? Quantum states described with density operators? ?
19.09.2008? ? Problem set 4? ?
18.09.2008? ? Pure and mixed quantum states? ?
16.09.2008? ? The coherent state representation? Homework this week: Problem set 4. Self study: Lecture notes Sect. 1.3.4 Fermionic and bosonic oscillators: an example of supersymmetry.?
12.09.2008? ? Problem set 3? ?
11.09.2008? ? Harmonic oscillator: Coherent states? ?
09.09.2008? ? Rabi oscillations and spin resonance? Homework this week: Problem set 3. Also make a review of how to solve the one-dimensional quantum harmonic oscillator by the method of raising and lowering operators. ?
05.09.2008? ? Problem set 2? ?
04.09.2008? ? The quantum two-level system. Spin dynamics and magnetic resonance.? ?
02.09.2008? ? Path integrals: examples? ?
29.08.2008Mads Stormo Nilsson? ? Problem set 1? ?
28.08.2008? ? Semiclassical approximation for path integrals? ?
26.08.2008? ? Path integrals? ?
22.08.2008? ? No teaching? Problem set 1 available for home work. Solutions to be discussed next Friday.?
21.08.2008? ? Quantum dynamics? Home work this week: Study chapter 1.1 of the Lecture notes. For a review of Dirac's bra-ket formulation, consult your introductory text book on quantum physics.?
19.08.2008Jon Magne Leinaas? Auditorium 467?? The postulates of quantum mechanics? Introduction to the course with practical information. A summary of basic elements of quantum theory.?
Publisert 15. aug. 2008 15:00 - Sist endret 15. nov. 2008 19:25