The exercise class is cancelled since Paul is on sick leave.
Solutions to set 12 is posted on the course page.
Due to illness there will be no teaching Tuesday this week. The Tuesday lecture is shifted to Wednesday 14.15-16. Solutions to Problem set 11 will be posted on the course page.
The lecture Tuesday 15 November is interchanged with the exercise class on Wednesday 16 November.
Please meet inside the main entrance to the Chemistry building (from Apalveien). Arnt-Inge Vistnes will pick you up there at 14:15 (so don't be late).
A visit to his lab is strongly recommended.
For the results from the midterm exam please log in here
Paul B?tzing, together with Aleksander Seland, have prepared solutions to the weekly sets discussed so far in the exercise class. The solutions are available on the Piazza page.
The problem set is posted on the course page in two versions, Norwegian and English
Arnt Inge Vistnes will show how they study entanglement of photons in the lab.
Time for the demonstration is Friday, 4 November at 14:15.
This is a home exam. The problem set will be available on the course page Monday, 17 October, in the morning. Deadline will be Monday, 24 October, at 12:00. There is no teaching during the week of the midterm exam.
Hi All,
Paul has created the piazza page for the course FYS 4110. We now can use it to cooperate on problems and ask questions there.
The link to piazza page is
This is a home exam, scheduled for Week 42, 17-24 October
There will be lectures on Monday and Tuesday, but no teaching on Wednesday. The first set of weekly exercises will be available on Wednesday and solutions to the problems will be discussed at the Exercise class the following week.
The lecture notes for the course will be available on the web page before the beginning of the first week.