This is an advanced quantum physics course, where we focus on certain modern aspects of non-relativistic quantum mechanics. This includes the quantum description of composite systems, quantum entanglement and density matrices, quantum information and coherent quantum states.
We examine the basic elements of the theory, and show how simple quantum models, the two-level system and the harmonic oscillator, can be used to illustrate many of these aspects of quantum theory.
The following subjects are included in the course:
With the current regulations, we are allowed to teach the course more or less as normal, with physical presence at lectures and problem sessions. Digital alternatives (recordings of lectures or streaming) will be available for those who are not able to/do not wish to be present at the university.
There will be weekly sets of exercises available on the course page.
The Midterm Exam will be a one week’s homework assignment. Time for the exam: Tentative week 43 (to be finally decided at the beginning of the semester)