Exchange lectures and problem solving

Du to collision of lectures, there was a wish to exchange the times for the Tuesday lectures and the problem solving. This means that starting next week, we will do problem solving Tuesdays 10-12 and lectures Fridays 12-14. Both activities will be in room FV414, at least for the moment, and we will see if this works well. This applies even if this is not stated in the timetable and our calendar (I will ask this to be changed, but I do not have access to do it directly).

As the problem solving will now come before the lectures of that week, we expect to shift the problems gradually, so that the problems will be discussed the week after the lectures on the same topic. For next week, I think you can still do problems 2.1-2.3 as they do not require more than we covered in the lectures so far. 2.4 I think you might have seen the tools for in previous courses, so it could be attempted. The last two, I suggest to to delay until the week after.

We will try this arrangement and see if it is better than the original.

Publisert 24. aug. 2024 10:27 - Sist endret 24. aug. 2024 10:27