Course Schedule

22.05  Summary of the course 

Note: here

Module VI: Stochastic and non-equilibrium statistical processes

15.05 Fluctuation-Dissipation relations 

Lecture notes: here

10.05 Brownian motion, Einstein relation 

Lecture notes: here

08.05 Master equation: Poisson process, Gaussian process  

Lecture notes: here

03.05 Random walk, central limit theorem

Lecture note: here

Module V: Statistics of spin systems 

12.04 Landau mean field theory 

Lecture note: here

10.04 Weiss mean field of the Ising model 

Lecture note: here

05.04 1D Ising model 

Lecture note: here 

03. 04  Paramagnetic spins 

Lecture note: here 

Module IV: Quantum gases 

22.03 Summary of quantum gases:

Lecture note: here  

20.03 Fermi ideal gases 

Lecture note: here

15.03 Bose Einstein Condensation 

Lecture note: here

13.03 Ideal Bose gas and Bose Einstein condensation 

Lecture note: here

08.03 Debye theory of phonons 

Lecture note: here 

06.03. Photon gas, Blackbody radiation 

Lecture notes: here 

Module III: Weakly-interacting particles and Van der Waals fluid

01.03 Phase transitions, summary module III

Lecture notes: here


27.02 Mean field, Phase transitions

Lecture notes: here


22.02 Virial theorem

Lecture notes: here

20.02 Configurational partition function, correlation functions

Lecture notes: here

Module II: Non-interacting particles, multiplicity function, partition function  

15.02 Recap Module II

Lecture notes: here


13.02 Quantum statistics: FD

Lecture notes: here 

08.02 Quantum statistics: BEC

Lecture notes: here 

06.02 Boltzmann statistics 

Lecture notes: here

Module I: Thermodynamics (review) and statistical ensembles 

30.01  recap 

Lecture notes: here 

29.01 Grand-Canonical ensemble 

Lecture notes: here

23.01 Canonical ensemble 

Lecture notes: here

22.01 Statistical ensembles, Phase space, Liouville’s theorem, microcanonical ensemble

Lecture notes: here

16.01 Thermodynamic potentials, response functions and Maxwell’s relations, thermodynamic stability   

Lecture notes: here 

15.01 Introduction/Thermodynamic laws, entropy

Lecture notes: here 




Publisert 7. jan. 2019 13:19 - Sist endret 20. mai 2019 14:11