
Publisert 14. juni 2022 11:07

We are now done with the grading of the exam. The results should be available on student-web shortly. 

See the Canvas exam-page for the grading guidelines we used.

Thank you very much for attending this course. Have a nice summer!



Publisert 3. juni 2022 08:13

This year's exam solution is now posted on Canvas.



Publisert 9. mai 2022 16:21

For information about this year's exam, take a look at the last part of the lecture video from May 9.


Publisert 2. mai 2022 09:50

Old exams are now posted on Canvas.

Publisert 20. apr. 2022 16:16

Some text (definition of Gamma) is missing in-between problem 2d) and 2e).

This has been fixed in the new version of oblig 2 which is posted on Canvas.



Publisert 2. mars 2022 19:08

For problem 3 in oblig 1, you should choose gamma=10 (not 1).

(The updated version is on canvas.)

Publisert 7. feb. 2022 21:37

We are back to normal physical lectures. No sign-ups are needed. 

Publisert 28. jan. 2022 14:59

On Monday Jan 31 we will start with physical lectures in Lillefy.

We are still under covid rules: 1m between each, good ventilation etc.. and so Lillefy can only take 24 students. 

Therefore you will have to register if you want to come.

You can register here (by joining the appropriate groups)

The lectures will be also recorded on video, but no real-time streaming.


Publisert 27. jan. 2022 21:45

Obligatory assignments

There will be two mandatory assignments in this course. They need to be approved for you to attend the final exam. 

The deadlines for the two obligs. are

Oblig 1:  Friday Mar. 11 at 10am.

Oblig 2:  Friday Apr. 29 at 10am.

You will be given two weeks on Oblig 1, and four weeks (including the easter holiday) on Oblig 2. 


Publisert 12. jan. 2022 16:04

Update Jan. 17:

(at least) The two first weeks (weeks 3 and 4) of lectures will be held on Zoom.

Links are on the time-schedule page as well as on the Canvas course-page.

Publisert 11. jan. 2022 11:53

Welcome to FYS4130 Statistical Mechanics.

The two first weeks of lectures will be held on Zoom. Links are on the Canvas course-page.

Textbook: R.Swendsen "An Introduction to Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics".