
Publisert 23. juni 2023 13:50

We have now finished grading the exams. The grades will appear on student-web when our administration has registered them. 

The exam solution is available on Canvas, under Exams.

Thank you for attending the course.

I wish you a nice summer break!




Publisert 17. mars 2023 16:09

Due to a faulty blackboard in LilleFy, the lectures on Mar. 20 & 21 will be held in StoreFy


Publisert 1. mars 2023 17:37

Erratum Oblig 1:

In order to find the phase transition in problem 3 for physical values of N, you need to set

gamma=10 (not gamma=1 as stated in the problem text)

I have updated the problem text now with gamma=10. 

