The pages from the repetition(computer presentation) are now available at the Web-page of the course, together with an updated version of "Guide to reading/List of contents" (click on "Guide")
Concerning the final oral examination: Those of you who want (-not obligatory): You may use the first ten minutes to talk about what you want within the subjects of the course.
There will be exercises (at least one of the two hours) wednesday the 22/11. There will be a new version (the final) of exercises at the Web. Monday 27. , and tuesday the 28/11 there will be repetition.
There will be exercises wednesday 15/11.
There will be exercises wednesday 8th of november. An updated version of "Exercises" is available at the Web.
There will be exercise wednesday first of november. A new version of exercises is now available on the web.
Solutions and results from the Mid-term exam, and some lecture notes on group theory is now available at the Web.
NB! Today's lecture is cancelled (Jan Olav Eeg is sick)!
There will be exercices wednesday the 18 th of october. A new version of exercises is now available on the web. The Mid term evaluation questionnaire is also available.
The problems for the Mid-term exam is now available at the web.
There will be exercises tuesday the 26th of september. A new version of Exercises will be avalable thursday the 21th of september.
The mid-term problems will be given at the end of september. The deadline for answers is monday 9. th of october.
There will be no lectures monday the 18th of september.
There will be exercises (problem 3 and 4) wednesday 13. sept.
Exercises for next week (to be done wednesday 6. sept are now available at the web
Because the lecturer has been ill first part of august, the home page of the course will not be completely updated from the beginning. (But through the homepage of 2006 you may find the homepage of 2005, which give you some info. The main textbook will be the one by Mandl and Shaw)
The first week there will be lectures monday the 21/8 and tuesday 22/8 (no lecture the 23/8).