Semesterside for FYS4220 - H?st 2013


There will be NO permitted materials on the exam. 

The exams from 2010,2011 and 2012 have been made available under the folder Previous exams. 

Note: during the autumn semester of 2013 we have integrated the embedded system and RTOS part onto the FPGA platform using the uC/OS-II kernel from Micrum. The corresponding exam problems from previous exams may therefore not be fully representative. The general concepts (theory) are nevertheless similar as long they have been covered in the lectures.

3. des. 2013 13:15

All lab. assignments have to be submitted by latest November 29. This is an absolute deadline in order to not be withdrawn from the exam.


27. nov. 2013 21:14

There will be a summary lecture on Tuesday Nov. 26 at 12:15.

No lecture on Monday Nov. 25.

23. nov. 2013 17:10
18. nov. 2013 10:59

Espen Tallaksen from Bitvis AS will be giving a guest lecture at the Department of Informatics (INF3420/4431) Wednesday November 6. 

The topics will be:

  • Bugs and problems - Worst disasters
  • Making a simple testbench - step-by-step
  • Testbench demo

Location: OJD 3427, Seminar room C

Time: 9:15 - 12:00

You are all welcome to join.



5. nov. 2013 10:50