
Published Dec. 8, 2020 12:45 PM

The time table for the exam days has been published on Canvas. Please check your time slot and confirm acceptance on Canvas.


Published Oct. 12, 2020 11:49 AM

The oral exam will take place 14 - 16 December, 2020. 

The deadline for completing the project assignments will therefore be 27. November.

Published Sep. 23, 2020 10:50 AM

The exam in FYS4220 will be performed as an oral exam. It is not yet clear whether the oral exam will on Zoom or in person. The exact dates for the exam has not yet been decided, but the tentative time frame is week 50 or 51. Due to the number of students the exam will be performed over several days. The exact date for each student will only be decided towards the end of the semester when we know the exact number of student that will follow the exam.

Published Aug. 11, 2020 7:37 PM

You are welcome to follow the introductory lecture/meeting for FYS4220 on Tuesday August 18th at 12:15. The lecture will take place on Zoom. The link for the meeting room will be available soon on Canvas.

In general, the lectures in FYS4220 will this semester be given on Zoom or through recorded videos. 

More information about how the practical / project exercises will be carried out will be given in our first Zoom session on Tuesday.

- Ketil


Published June 9, 2020 8:46 AM

Please note there is a change of requirements for this course in the autumn semester 2020. Previously recognised compulsory assignments are no longer valid.