
Publisert 15. nov. 2017 11:49

The visit at Rikshospitalet is scheduled to monday 20th of November, 2017 at 10.00. Please find your way to Rikshospitalet and follow the map to Medisinsk-teknologisk Virksomhetsomr?de. (See roadmap in attachments folder).

We will start quite precisely so be there in time. If you get into trouble and don't find your way, please call me at 979 56 729

Welcome! :-)

Publisert 10. nov. 2017 18:20

The repetition, part 2 (chapter 10-16) will bli topic of the lecture on monday. Experiences show that this part is considered to be particularly valuable before the final oral exam. 

Welcome! :-)

Publisert 1. nov. 2017 10:49

Just a reminder: There is no lecture on monday, the 6th of November!! This is in accordance to the time schedule. 

Next lecture is tuesday 7th of November

Publisert 25. okt. 2017 13:56

I have talked to your sensor, he will answer your e-mails tonight with your mid-term results

Publisert 23. okt. 2017 15:22

The results from your mid-term exam are ready, send an e-mail to with your candidate number if you want to get your result.

Note! Don't be too disappointed if you didn't get the grade you hoped for, there will be a new chance at the final exam

Publisert 23. okt. 2017 15:22

The results from your mid-term exam are ready, send an e-mail to with your candidate number if you want to get your result.

Note! Don't be too disappointed if you didn't get the grade you hoped for, there will be a new chance at the final exam

Publisert 19. okt. 2017 12:37

The final oral exam will take place thursday 7th and friday 8th of December. Please send me an e-mail ( as soon as possible if you have special desires when it comes to the day of exam, e.g. that you have a collision with another exam one of these days.

Publisert 18. okt. 2017 09:08

Good morning and thank you for your evaluation-forms! I have been analyzing the evaluation of the mid-term exam, and I have some comments:

1. Most of you thought there were too many questions for two hours. Yes, you might be right, we will take that into consideration when evaluating the answers

2. The one question that caused most trouble, in addition to the difficult genius-questions were question 1c and 1d. Many of you thought that question 1c and 1d were the same question, more or less. Yes, they are very similar, but I was looking for different answers for the two. 

 Excercise 1c. I was looking for a so-called "notch"-filter that could remove the 50/60Hz signals. Most electrical equipment from lamps to computers are powered by the electrical power line are operating in the 50-60 Hz freqency region, obviously. In consequence, much of the interference is concentrated around this frequency and makes it easy to remove t...

Publisert 9. okt. 2017 12:15

I hope you were able to show the best of what you have learned so far, we will evaluate the mid-term exam later. Your sensor will start his work as soon as we receive the answers, you can expect the results within a couple of weeks.

We need to take a deep breath after the exam, so there is no lecture tomorrow (tuesday 10.10). Next lecture will be monday 16.10.


Publisert 27. sep. 2017 10:52

Please find it in the attachment folder.

Publisert 27. sep. 2017 10:21

The repetition is now published, if you have any question don't hesitate to contact me:


Good luck to you all!



Publisert 26. sep. 2017 09:36

A compendium covering the amplifier-lectures (Fred Johan's lecture) is uploaded.

Publisert 25. sep. 2017 16:06

Hi everybody

Sorry, but I uploaded the lecture in the wrong folder for some reason. Most probably because I was working with the presentation untill late in the evening, and was tired and confused. But that's why you didn't see it in the attachment folder, my apologies!

Please find, both the stripped version and the compendium in the attachment folder.

Publisert 19. sep. 2017 10:07

The date of your mid-term exam was decided back in April, but due to an error somewhere in the system, it has not been published yet.


Anyway, this is your time and place for the mid-term exam in FYS4250/9250:

Monday 9th of October, 2017, 09.00 - 11.00 (2 hours) in Silurveien




Publisert 19. sep. 2017 10:00

Please find the "Principles in electrosurgery.pdf" in the attachment folder.

Publisert 28. aug. 2017 07:57

Today's lecture (without the patient case) is now uploaded in the attachment-folder

Publisert 21. aug. 2017 15:16

Please find your answers in the "attachment"-folder. Hold the mouse over the "What was the best" and "What could be better" to see the response in the pop-up window.

Publisert 21. aug. 2017 13:37

The first lecture is uploaded (See "attachments"), please note that it is password-protected. The password will be given tommorow in the lecture, or by mail:

Publisert 8. aug. 2017 15:14

It's a pleasure to welcome you all to the first lecture in FYS 4250, monday the 21.08.2017 at 10.15 in Kristian Birkelands auditorium at the Department of physics! 

Some of you have asked about the text book, and we will use John. G. Webster Medical Instrumentation: 4th edition together with compendiums that I will distribute as we go through the curriculum.

More information will follow in the first lecture, I'm looking forward to meeting you.

Best regards, Jan Olav