
Publisert 14. des. 2021 12:50

Pleas find the picture from the site visit at Rikshospitalet in the attachment 2021- folder with the filename IMG_8118.heic :-)

Publisert 1. des. 2021 10:26

Plan for oral exam FYS 4250

Hello everyone

Please find information about time and place for your final exam in the attached document or on studentweb

Publisert 26. nov. 2021 09:54


Hope you're doing good in your preparations, if you want to see a simple explanation of MRI basics, please have a look at: 


Publisert 24. nov. 2021 10:31

Please find them in the attachment 2021-folder

Publisert 22. nov. 2021 14:47

The final oral exam is scheduled to thursday 2nd or friday 3rd of December, please send me an email with your preferred day as soon as possible!

Jan Olav

Publisert 19. nov. 2021 13:09


Your external sensor has finished the mid-term exam papers. If you want to know your result, send an e-mail to: together with your examination-code (eksamenskode) and the mail-adress which you want him to send your result.

Publisert 19. nov. 2021 11:58

The site visit at Rikshospitalet will be on MONDAY 22th of November from 10.00 - 12.00. We meet at Medisinsk-teknologisk avdeling(entrance from D2, 3 etg) at 10.00. Please find a roadmap in the attachment-folder (/studier/emner/matnat/fys/FYS4250/h18/attachments-2021/?page=2&u-page=2#:~:text=roadmap-to-medisinsk-teknologisk-vo-(1).doc). If you can't find your way, call me at 979 56 729

Publisert 15. nov. 2021 08:09

Hello everybody

Please note that the repetition is moved from wednesday 17.11.21 is moved to wednesday 24.11.21.


Publisert 2. nov. 2021 19:07


I'm sorry but there has been an emergency situation which means that I can not hold a lecture tomorrow, Wednesday 03.11.2021, as planned. The lecture will therefore be moved to next Monday. 

Sorry for the late warning!

Jan Olav

Publisert 14. okt. 2021 15:19


You are allowed to use all written and published material at the mid-term exam. No electronic aids.


Good luck tomorrow! :-)

Jan Olav

Publisert 11. okt. 2021 12:52

Please find the repetition from todays lecture and questions from chapter 5-6 (and 7-8) uploaded.


Publisert 22. sep. 2021 12:48

Please find attached in the "attachment 2021"-folder in autumn 2018, previous years mid-term exam. I have uploaded one version with the sensor guidance as well, can be interesting to compare with your answers.

I have also uploaded 20 questions from each chapter, to give you a way to control your level.

Good luck! :-)

Publisert 13. sep. 2021 13:34

Hello everybody

I didn't succeed with Canvas, even with expert-help, so my plan B is to go to the FYS4250 homepage, choose "H?st 18" (Autumn 18). In the left coloumn, you will find two folders:"Attachments" and "Attachments 2021". Chosse "Attachments 2021" and find the files and compendiums there.

NB! The files are password-protected. For those of you who didn't participate in the lecture today, send me an e-mail to get the correct password. :-)

Best regards, Jan Olav 

Publisert 29. aug. 2021 21:19

Please find the lectures on the canvas-site. I am not very familiar with canvas, so give me a sign if it doesn't work. See you tomorrow. :-)

Publisert 4. aug. 2021 10:49

I would like to welcome everyone to a new course in FYS4250!

Please note that the first lecture is on Wednesday 25.08, at 08.18

Welcome! :-)

Publisert 27. mai 2021 14:02

Dersom smittesituasjonen f?r et omfang som gj?r at deler av samfunnet m? stenge igjen utover h?sten, s? kan det bli aktuelt ? erstatte skriftlig skoleeksamen med skriftlig hjemmeeksamen eller muntlig eksamen i dette emnet.