Semesterside for FYS4340 - H?st 2010

In order to get prepared for practical TEM training I would recommend you strongly to go through the introductory guide "Learn to use TEM" by John Rodenburg. You find it under usefull links.


25. aug. 2010 15:53

Welcome to FYS4340!

Some practical information:

  • The lectures are based on the books “The Theory and Practice of Analytical Electron Microscopy in Materials Science” by Arne Olsen. These books can not be bought in the book store, but will be given to you during the course.

  • On the 24rd. of August we will meet in room ?262 in the Physics building as stated on the web, however, the lectures will be held in 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken during the rest of the semester where we have easy access to the TEM lab.


20. aug. 2010 13:47