Semester page for FYS4411 - Spring 2014


Joint teaching

This course has jointly taught classes with FYS9411 – Computational Physics II: Quantum Mechanical Systems. See this course's semester page for schedule and messages.

In relation to the next part of our project, we have published a preliminary guide to the implementation of a Hartree-Fock solver using Gaussian Type Orbitals (GTOs). This is found here.

Mar. 13, 2014 1:56 PM

Our computing cluster, Smaug, is available for students of this course to run parallelized code. This cluster is maintained by the Computational Physics group. You may request access to Smaug and retreive information on using the cluster on our web pages.

Feb. 20, 2014 10:50 AM

Dearl all, thanks for choosing FYS4411/FYS9411. Our first lecture will be on Thursday the 16th at 2.15pm till 4pm, room FV311 at the department of Physics UiO, with  lab session  from 4.15pm till 7pm.

Welcome to you all,

Morten, Milad, Henrik and Svenn-Arne

Jan. 15, 2014 4:08 AM