First lecture

Dear All, first of all happy new year. And welcome to FYS4411!   Thanks for opting for this course. I hope you won't be disappointed.

Our first lecture is this coming Thursday at 215pm, room FV311. For those of you who cannot attend, the lectures will be recorded. Furthermore, you can attend remotely via zoom.

I will, if you tell me know  beforehand, send you an invitation and you can then attend the lecture remotely. Or just watch the video at your convenience.

The lab sessions start at 415pm, room FV329, both rooms at the department of Physics.    The lab ends at 7pm. Our last lab session is May 10. There is no exam, only project work. The two projects count 50% each of the final mark. 

The deadline for project 1 is March 16 while the deadline for project 2 is June 1.   These are tentative deadlines, and should aid you in planning your spring semester.

All lecture material (slides, projects, lecture notes, programs etc) are available at the Github address of the course. This site contains also the weekly plan. 

For your planning, we will also have an intensive week (with approx 3 x 45 mins of lectures) Monday through Thursday starting from March 5 (week 10). 

The link to the slides, weekly plans and projects is at
The general GitHub link is at
I will update the content later today (US eastern time). 

The teaching team this semester, in addition to me, consists of Vilde, Giovanni and Alocias.

Best wishes to you all and welcome to FYS4411.


Publisert 12. jan. 2018 00:16 - Sist endret 16. jan. 2018 17:19