
Published Apr. 3, 2020 7:13 PM

Grading in FYS4411 in the spring semester 2020 will follow the information stated in the course description.

Published Apr. 2, 2020 6:00 PM

Hi all, the link to the lecture on April 2 is now available.

Stay well,

Morten and ?yvind

Published Mar. 27, 2020 10:34 AM

Here's the link to the lecture of March 26, see

Published Mar. 19, 2020 11:16 AM

Hi all, we will summarize the MPI and OpenMP (parallelization part) during the first lecture today, 215-3pm.

Thereafter we have lab and we can organize this via zoom. Zoom allows for additional rooms where you can either work together or alone and we as teachers can join each room and just discuss with you. We have tried this out with flipped classrooms at Michigan State Univ, and it works decently. Nothing can replace the face-to-face contact, but at least this is an option. 


We will try this out today to see if it works.  


Else, concerning the delivery of the report and seen that devilry is gradually discontinued, it suffices if you send us the link to your github repo by the deadline. Under t...

Published Mar. 12, 2020 5:16 PM

Hi all, although the university is closed, we will continue with digital lectures. The lectures from March 12 are now available. We did however not record the intensive week lectures March 2-6. These are missing. The lecture notes from that week will be updated shortly. We keep sending info via piazza. Stay tuned and stay well. best wishes to you all.

Published Feb. 27, 2020 11:31 AM

Hi everybody!

This week we will conclude  our discussion of gradient descent methods and next week we will start with a discussion of statistical resampling techniques. 

Concerning lectures next week, the schedule is now as follows


Monday March 2: lecture 1430-17 at F?465 (CCSE center)

Tuesday March 3: Lecture  915-12 at F?465 (CCSE center)

Wednesday March 4: Lecture 1415-17 at F?465 (CCSE center)

Thursday as usual, lecture 1415-16 and lab 1615-19, our usual lecture hall.


Best wishes to you all,



Published Feb. 20, 2020 5:29 PM

Hi all, during the last weeks we have discussed minimization methods, with an emphasis on gradient descent methods. These methods are discussed at for example

These methods are interesting for our project in connection with the search for the optimal variational parameters. Finding the optimal parameters if often done with less Monte Carlo cycles. With the optimal variational parameters, we can then launch a large scale VMC calculation. Next week we will conclude this part. Thereafter we start with statistical estimations using methods like Bootstrapping, Jackknife and Blocking. These will be discussed during the intensive week March 2-6 and during the lecture on Thursday Feb 27.  The lectures on Gradient descent methods will be revised and partly rewritten till Thursday Feb 27.

Published Feb. 6, 2020 6:21 PM

Dear All,

this week we went through (from an overarching point of view) importance sampling with a brief discussion on the Fokker-Planck equation and the Langevin equation. The slides at for example

contain more information about the derivation of the Fokker-Planck equation and the Langevin equations. This material is normally covered in more specialized courses on statistical mechanics and transport theories. For those of you who wish to read more, Gardiner's text is an excellent read, see

Published Jan. 30, 2020 6:03 PM

The videos from the lectures are available here. The hand written notes are also available from the website of the course.

Published Jan. 22, 2020 3:39 AM

Dear All, this is the first weekly mail with update on FYS4411/9411. Last week we started gently with Monte Carlo methods and used the lab session to get acquainted with various software and the first project. All material we covered is at github address of the course and the more specific material we started to cover at


This week, due to the fact that ?yvind (we had forgotten this) is away for a meeting we will not have a  regular lecture and lab. The session this Thursday is thus cancelled. I will however post the video of the lecture so that you can go through the material by yourself.

This material will be available most likely...

Published Jan. 14, 2020 5:28 PM

Dear All, thx so much for having chosen FYS4411/9411 (for FYS9411 all material is directed to FYS4411).

Our first lecture and lab sessions are this Thursday, starting at 215pm (1415). The lecture ends at 4pm (16) and the lab starts from there.  We will start with an introduction to the course and present project 1. At the lab we will help those of you not familiar with certain software like Git before we present a basic structure to how to set up a variational Monte Carlo program.