Weekly plans and update for week 15
Dear all, after last week, we have now three project groups for FYS4411/9411. There is a small possibility of having an additional one on fermion VMC, but our three basic working groups are
o Time-dependent Hartree-Fock with material at https://github.com/Schoyen/tdhf-project-fys4411/tree/master
o Neural Networks and Boltzmann Machines with material at http://compphysics.github.io/ComputationalPhysics2/doc/LectureNotes/_build/html/boltzmannmachines.html
o Quantum Machine Learning with material at http://compphysics.github.io/ComputationalPhysics2/doc/LectureNotes/_build/html/basicquantumcomputing.html (this material is in the making.
The jupyter-book at https://compphysics.github.io/ComputationalPhysics2/doc/LectureNotes/_build/html/intro.html contains much more material, also on Hartree-Fock theory and other many-body methods. The TDHF and the QML projects will be updated tomorrow with more text.
Our Schedule is as follows:
We meet first in plenum at 2.15pm each Thursday. After a short discussion round all together we move into our different breakout rooms for theory lectures and discussions till approx 4pm. The remaining three hours are dedicated to project work. We meet first in plenum and then go different breakout rooms. The group teachers and discussion partners are
o Group 1 TDHF: ?yvind
o Group 2 NN+Boltzmann machines: Morten
o Group 3 Quantum Machine Learning: Kristian Wold and Stian Bilek
Short reminder on Alternatives for project 2
o Fermion VMC, continuation of project 1
o Deep learning applied to project 1, either neural networks or Boltzmann machines
o Hartree-Fock theory and time-dependent theories
o Many-body methods like coupled-cluster theory or other many-body methods
o Quantum machine learning
o Suggestions from you
Our last common session is the week of May 3-7. The deadline for project 2 is June 1.
Best wishes to you all,
Morten and ?yvind