Welcome to FYS4411/9411

Dear all, we hope you have had an excellent winter break and are ready for gaining new and exciting knowledge.

Our first lecture is Thursday January 20, at 215pm. We will have weekly lectures (except for a  break April 11-15) 215pm-4pm every Thursday till May 12.

Depending on the capacity of the room, we will run these lectures in person. These lectures area also available via zoom and will be recorded and uploaded after the lectures. The first week is however fully digital.

The lectures are followed by an in-person and digital lab. The lab starts at 415pm and ends at 7pm.  The first lab is January 20 and the last lab is May 12. 

All teaching material is available through the github address of the course, see https://github.com/CompPhysics/ComputationalPhysics2


Welcome to a new semester.

Morten and ?yvind.


Published Jan. 9, 2022 4:48 PM - Last modified Jan. 9, 2022 4:48 PM