Plans for week4, January 22-26

Dear all, welcome back to FYS4411.

The plans this week are (lecture and lab Friday Jan 26):

Topics for lecture and lab

Repetition from last week and links to code templates in python and C++

Essential ingredients: Variational Monte Carlo methods, Metropolis Algorithm, statistics and Markov Chain theory

How to structure the VMC code

Teaching Material, videos and written material.

 - See the jupyter-notebook at

Code templates for first project (these will be discussed during the lab sessions)

The C++ template at
The python template, using JAX at

The notes for this week are best viewed via the jupyter-notebook since there are code examples we will run.

Best wishes to you all,

Daniel, H?kon, Morten, and Ruben

Published Jan. 25, 2024 11:39 AM - Last modified Jan. 25, 2024 11:39 AM