
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
23.08.2005Larissa Bravina? 311? Week 1: Quantum mechanical many particle problem -Definition of many particle problem -Schroedinger equation and method of diagonalization. -Symmetric and antisymmetric wave functions and permutations? Chapters in Gross, Runge & Heinonen: 1 ?
30.08.2005Larissa Bravina? 311? Week 2: Second quantization: -Creation and annihilation operators - one and two particle operators and their matrix elements? Chapters in Gross, Runge & Heinonen: 1,2 ; Oppgaver: 1,2?
06.09.2005Larissa Bravina? 311? Week 3: - Particle-hole formalism? Chapters in Gross, Runge and Heinonen: 19; Oppgaver: 3,4,5?
13.09.2005Larissa Bravina? 311, Lectures 13.09 and 14.09 at 14-16.00? Week 4: Feynmann diagramms. Field operators. Hartree-Fock approximation.? Chapters in Grosss, Runge and Heinonen 20,6,7; Oppgaver: 6?
19.09.2005Larissa Bravina ? 311, Lectures on 19.09 and 20.09 14-16.00? Week 5: Hartree-Fock equation and second quantization, Stability of HF solution, Tamm-Dancoff and Random Phase approximation? Week 5: Chapters in Gross, Runge & Heinonen 7,8,9,10 Oppgaver:9,10?
26.09.2005Larissa Bravina? 311, Seminars 27.09 and 30.09? Week 6: Hartree-Fock equations and RPA? Week 6: Oppgaver 11,12,13,14?
03.10.2005Larissa Bravina? Free? Preparation to midtermeksamen? Oppgaver: 7,8,15 to be handled 11.10?
Publisert 31. jan. 2006 16:48