
Publisert 2. nov. 2017 21:31

The new deadline for submitting obligatory exercise is Sunday 12 November at 23:59.


Publisert 27. okt. 2017 21:54

This is the schedule for the mid-term exam:

The exam will be on Tuesday October 31 and Wednesday November 1st. in the 4DSpace room, Kjemibygget (KV354). 

Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the scheduled examination to make sure that we start on time.

October 31st
A) 8:30-9:10 : Henrik 
B) 9:10-9:50 : Helle 
C) 9:50-10:40 : Iana
D) 10:40-11:20 : Helén 
E) 11:20-12:00 : David 

Wednesday 1st 
A) 8:30-9:10 : Bushra
B) 9:10-9:50 : Martin 
C) 9:50-10:40 : Sondre
D) 10:40-11:20 : Audun
E) 11:20-12:00 : Rabia

Publisert 15. okt. 2017 12:54

The examination in FYS4620 Introduction to Plasma Physics consists of three parts:
1) The obligatory exercise (15% of the final grade): Deadline for submitting the report is 6. November
2) Mid-term oral exam (20% of the final grade): 31 October and 1 November 8:30-12:00
3) Final oral exam (65% of the final grade): 3/4 December

Below you will find all information regarding the exams:


1) Obligatory exercise
You will find the obligatory exercise under this link: obligatory exercise
It is strongly encouraged that you work on the exercise in pairs or even as the whole group. 
However, each of you should write your own report.
You have 3 weeks for completing this exercise. 
The deadline f...

Publisert 18. aug. 2017 18:35

Den f?rste forelesningen blir p? mandag, 28. September 

Til den f?rste forelesningen, vennligst repetere elektro-magnetism, elektromagnetiske krefter, Maxwells lover, og vektor relasjoner. Plasma fysikk er basert p? disse, og det er n?dvendig og ha en god kunnskap om disse tema.

Det er viktig at dere kommer p? mandag 28. Sept. Vi skal da ogs? snakke om  oppbygning av kurset, arbeidsformer, krav til eksamen osv.


The first lecture will be on Monday 28. September. 

Before the first lecture, please repeat the basics of electro-magnetism, electromagnetic forces, Maxwell equations, and vector relations. The course is building on those, and it is necessary to have a good knowledge about this topics.

It is important that you come on Monday 28. Sept. We will then discuss the details of the course, exercises, exam, etc.

Publisert 18. aug. 2017 18:20

Vi skal bruke f?lgende b?ker / We will use the following books:

Main textbook for the pensum: H. L. Pécseli, Waves and Oscillations in Plasmas,  CRC Press (Boca Raton 2013)

Additional book(s): F. F. Chen, Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Plenum Press (New York 1984) other introductory books to plasma physics.

Det er ikke n?dvendig ? kj?pe disse b?kene, og det vil v?re nok med kursnotater, men det kan v?re lurt ? ha disse b?kene for selvstudium.


It is not necessary to buy these books, as it should be enough with lecture notes. However, these books will be very useful to have for self-study.