Konteeksamen vil ha samme form som hovedeksamenen i desember 2020
Konteeksamen vil ha samme form som hovedeksamenen i desember 2020
The course has two mandatory labs in week 43.
See CANVAS for details.
There will bo no teaching in Fys3700/FYS4700 during the midterm exam week (week 41).
There is NO midterm exam in FYS3700/FYS4700 (but you may ofcourse work with the course)
Good luck with your other exams!
Lecture presentation (part 1 and 2) + Exercises related to Macro molecules are now accessible on CANVAS.
Lecture presentation (part1) and Exercises related to the topic Atomic, Molecular and Bonding Physics are now accessible on CANVAS (see 'Moduler')
Part 2 will (hopefully) be accessible tomorow.
Lecture presentations (Introduction to the course 19.08.2020; and introduction to the Cell 20.08.2020) + Cell Exercises are now accessible on CANVAS.
See you tomorrow!
Eli :)laug
All students who are registered on either FYS3700 or FYS4700 has received the ZOOM address for the first lecture on their UiO-email address.
If NOT - please contact me.
Welcome to the first lecture on Wednesday!
Eli Olaug Hole