
Why did you choose FYS4715?

  • To get enough study points
  • Challenge
  • Understand more about how physical laws restrict fundamental cell biology
  • I do MSc in Biological physics and want a broader and deeper knowledge
  • I like the intersection of subjects
  • I was advised to
  • A summer school at EMBL taught me that physics is used in a very wide range of biology. I wanted to learn more
  • Biophysics and optics seem like two "useful" directions of physics and I want to learn more


What do you expect to get out of the course?

  • To be provided with theoretical tools for further advanced experimental approaches for my PhD and life in general
  • A physical explanation of some of my biology knowledge (not only what, but why)
  • A practical use of my physics knowledge
  • Get the ability to go between the different levels of study
  • A better understanding of the links between physics, biology and chemistry, specifically areas concerning the brain.
  • Being able to describe (and simulate) for example cell movement
  • get new and deeper insight in physical explanations of biological processes
  • visualization of biological processes


What have you learnt that is relevant for the course?

  • Elementary physics and biology
  • Some high school biology (cell biology, structure, metabolism)
  • Basic university physics (stat. mech.)
  • Health/radiation physics & medical physics
  • computational neuroscience, how we can use electrical circuits to essentially model how current flows through and between neurons
  • many-particle systems, e.g. using the Ising model
  • Optics
Publisert 2. sep. 2019 11:11 - Sist endret 2. sep. 2019 11:11