Semesterside for FYS5120 - V?r 2023


I have just posted the final grades for this course. As you can see, the distribution is unusually good -- which also reflects the very high effort most of you spent. Well done! Let me know if you have any questions about these grades.

Also be reminded that there will be a final course evaluation meeting within a few days from now. So far only Morten has signed up, so please send me an email if you also want to participate (usually, there should be 2 students attending).

6. juni 2023 06:02

The announced compulsary problem set is out. Deadline is May 15, i.e. you have 9 full working working days to solve it... Feel free to collaborate and discuss solutions, but everyone should hand in individual solutions (email preferred). It's also ok to ask for (reasonable) tips on AstroDiscourse -- but there is of course no guarantee that I'll answer. :)

2. mai 2023 22:10

We have now graded the midterm exams. For each of you, the full results also include a breakdown of the points achieved per sub-problem (based on the detailed grading instructions).(*)

In setting the thresholds for the grade, I have taken into account that the exam was a bit on the long side. As a consequence, the overall result is really quite good for an advanced course like this one -- I definitely wouldn't have expected three A's out of only 11 exams -- so congrats to everyone! And thanks for the effort you put into this course, this makes it much more rewarding also from the teaching perspective!

(*) In this way, the point...

13. apr. 2023 10:58