As explained initially, the midterm exam tests the entire construction of the standard model – meaning that the course content that we have to go through until this point is pretty well-defined. The default midterm date (assigned by the faculty) makes this possible, but maybe a little bit tight in terms of what I must cover in each of the lectures until then. I talked to the study administration, and they now opened the possibility of maybe moving the exam by one week – which would give us a bit of slack and more time for discussions, if needed. Given various constraints, there are exactly two options:
- Midterm exam as originally planned (17/03, 3pm in Silurveien)
- Midterm exam on 25/03, 9am somewhere here in the physics department
So I’d be curious which option you prefer? (if anyone has strong objections to moving the exam date, that will hav...
I just uploaded the first exercise sheet, such that you can get some hands-on training. Problem 1 is something based on your QFT 1 lecture – and very useful in order to remind yourself both of conceptual aspects and of calculational steps that typically appear (not only) in canonical quantization. Problems 2 & 3 are a training in rate calculations (cross sections and lifetimes/decay rates) -- you'll need these skills a lot in this course, not just theoretically but also to be able to use Feynman rules etc in an efficient way.
In this course we will use UiO Discourse (or AstroDiscourse) for communicating outside of lecture / group exercise hours. So please take a look at the detailed guide here if you haven't used this tool before. Look for `fys5120-25v' once you have logged into the platform (with your standard student login).
In general, this kind of tool is really useful once one gets above a critical level of usage. So use it actively to ask and discuss any questions you may have! In fact, feel free to start using it right away for any questions about the background material ! [and yes, the latter is a subtle reminder to actually read the text... :)]
A tentative plan for this second course in quantum field theory (FYS5120) can now be found here, including reading suggestions. On the semester pages, you will always find up-to-date relevant information like problem sets, lecture times (inkl. potential changes and updates) etc. Teaching starts in week 4, so week 3 offers an excellent opportunity to review what you learned in QFT I. :) To help guiding your efforts I compiled a list of the most important background knowledge that you really need to follow the course. Do try to prepare as well as possible: I'm happy use a significant part of the fi...