Plans for the week of April 1-5

Dear all, we hope you had an enjoyable break and that you got time to recharge your batteries. We look forward to the last weeks of the semester.

The plans for this week are 

  1. Reminder on Discrete Fourier transforms (DFTs)  and Fourier transforms from last session

  2. Quantum Fourier transforms (QFTs), basic mathematical expressions

  3. Setting up circuits for QFT

  4. Reading recommendation Hundt, Quantum Computing for Programmers, sections 6.1-6.4 on QFT.

The teaching material for this week is at

Else, we will present suggestions for the final projects during this week (most likely closer to Friday).

Best wishes to you all,

Keran, Morten and Ruben

Published Apr. 3, 2024 7:45 AM - Last modified Apr. 3, 2024 7:45 AM