Plans for the week of March 18-22

Dear all and welcome back to FYS5419/9419. We hope you all had a great weekend.

Here are the plans for this week are

  o Discussion of project 1 and possible paths for project 2. 

  o Start discussion of Quantum Fourier transforms, see material in jupyter-notebook at (note that material will added and upgraded). 

Fourier transforms play a central role both in classical applications as well as their importance for central quantum computing algorithms (Shor's algo, phase estimation and other).  For the lectures after the Easter break, we have several possible paths (also reflected in the themes for project 2). These are
1) Studies of various quantum computing algorithms
2) Discussion of machine learning methods tailored to quantum computing
3) simulating realistic systems with the VQE and updates of the VQE and
4) other possibilities. 
Irrespective of the choice of topic, quantum Fourier transforms are important techniques which enter many other algorithms. 

Reading recommendation Hundt, Quantum Computing for Programmers, sections 6.1-6.4 on QFT. See also Nielsen and Chuang p216–225, if you have access to it. 

Best wishes to you all,

Keran, Morten and Ruben

Published Mar. 18, 2024 9:03 AM - Last modified Mar. 18, 2024 9:03 AM