
Publisert 19. mai 2019 09:44

The date of final oral exam is approaching - 3.6.2019.

People who have not yet delivered Project 2 are urged to do so now. 

Follow information about final projects and ATLAS data analysis and interpretation on the "Timeplan" and related google doc. I will be available the coming week for questions and discussion, ideally in Ullev?l, otherwise at UiO, usual lecture rooms. Let me know. 

Publisert 23. apr. 2019 10:51

After a successful visit to CERN, here are the next steps until the final oral presentations.

- Work on feedback to project 1 - calculation and data/simulation-based

- Send in project 2 - description of the work done (building and testing detectors, optionally data monitoring), describe detectors, how they work, characteristics, what they measure and how, ... EEE motivation and results, ...

- Start working on final project - detailed project description, bibliography, access to and analysis of ATLAS data, measurement or search for some new physics, motivations of the study, ... 

- The next weeks, we will have a couple of lectures, the remaining time will be devoted to the final project. Communication will be through google doc you received, email, and face-to-face discussions during most of sessions.    

Publisert 27. mars 2019 16:20

The work at CERN during the week 8-12 April 2019 will make the basis of Project 2.

Please, study the material you will find on the "timeplan" - visit days April 8 and 9. 

Publisert 27. mars 2019 16:17

You have received an important email with a link to a common document. We will all edit it to converge to the final subject and plan. 

Publisert 28. feb. 2019 19:46

Compulsory project I, presence, CERN:

  • new delivery date is 12.03 by 10:15, either handed to me, or PDF sent per email
  • it is recommended to follow coming lectures and to bring laptops 
  • CERN: please reserve your flights from Sunday 7.4 to Friday 12.4, such that we have 4 full working days. 
Publisert 24. feb. 2019 23:24

Reminder: the trip to CERN has been confirmed. Students are asked to book their flight tickets from Sunday 7.4 to Friday 12.4.

There are direct flights both ways during that period.

2 flats are booked at Saint-Genis near CERN for 5 nights (5 people per flat). The students doing their master/PhD within the HEPP group will be able to stay in the HEPP-project flat.  

More information will soon be available.

Publisert 9. feb. 2019 23:09

On Tuesday 12.2: Hands-on ATLAS data and analysis tools by Even S. H?land. Bring your Laptop and don't forget to install VirtualMox to access CentOS 7 at CERN.

On Wednesday 13.2: work on Compulsory Project I. Feel free to use the lecture room and discuss the project/questions together.

See Timeplan (12.2 and 13.2) for further details.

Publisert 28. jan. 2019 11:54

Lecture on 29.1. and Hands-on CompHEP on 30.1. See time plan for further details. Don't forget to get CompHEP installed and bring your laptop.

CERN visit confirmed 8-11.4.2019

Final exam: 3.6.2019 whole day


Publisert 22. jan. 2019 08:42

We move to TID on Tuesdays and Avogadro on Wednesdays.

Both sessions this will be devoted to lectures.

Don't forget to confirm exam and CERN trip dates.

Publisert 16. jan. 2019 09:50

- Note the change of room to TID (Tuesdays) and Avogadro (Wednesdays)

- This week and next week both Tuesday and Wednesday will be devoted to lectures 

- We need to fix the CERN visit and the final exam ASAP. See proposal. 

Publisert 14. jan. 2019 09:20

First meeting and lecture on Tuesday 15.1.2019. 

Suggestion for CERN visit: April 8-11. 

Suggestion for final exam: June 3 or 4.