
Publisert 3. apr. 2020 18:39

The final exam in FYS5555 will be conducted as an oral examination as planned. The exam will be conducted digitally via the videoconference platform zoom due to the corona-situation. You will receive further practical information regarding the exam after Easter.

For further information regarding zoom please see  /english/services/it/phone-chat-videoconf/zoom/

Please contact if you have questions regarding this.

Publisert 16. mars 2020 09:49

Hi everyone,

Hope you are all well!

As you all are aware University will be closed the next few weeks (at least). This will obviously have some implications for the FYS5555 course.

First of all; the CERN-trip is cancelled. If you have already booked tickets you should try to get them reimbursed from you insurance- or flight-company. If you don't manage I will help you get money back through the University. Let me know.

I'm working on setting up some digital platform (Canvas) which will allow two-ways communication. I will let you know as soon as this is in place. I will also try to be more specific in what we were supposed to go through during the lectures. I've started to read through the project reports and I will hopefully send you feedback within a week from now.

As you know project 2 was initially meant to be a report from the CERN trip and the detector building/testing. This would of course need to change now. I will publish a r...

Publisert 28. feb. 2020 14:51

On Monday we will continue the discussion of hadron collisions and go a bit more into the details of calculating cross sections for QCD processes. The lectures will cover Ch. 2 and 3 and Appendix C in High pT Physics at Hadron Colliders by Dan Green. We will also use some of the details outlined in Ch. 8 and 10 in Thomson.

PS: Remember deadline for handing in project is midnight March 2nd. Either send it to me by e-mail or deliver it to me personally (latter option not possible after 4 pm ;-)).

Publisert 17. feb. 2020 12:15

On Monday we will start with Collider Physics after a short demo of some of the compHep exercises. Slides from lectures are uploaded here. The discussion is also covered in Chapter 3 and Appendix C of High pT Physics at Hadron Colliders by Dan Green. We will continue on collider physics on Wed.

Publisert 8. feb. 2020 06:38

On Monday we will start to discuss flavour physics and CP violation in the quark and leptonic sectors of the SM  (Section 6 in The Standard Model of Electroweak Interactions by A. Pich and Ch. 13 and 14 in Thomson). Slides which will be used during lectures are found here (slide 91 and onwards). On Wed. we will finish the theoretical introduction to the SM and discuss some future experiments trying to measure the parameters of the neutrino sector. We will also have time to look at the openData and compulsory project 1.

Publisert 31. jan. 2020 12:05

On Monday we will discuss the fermion masses in the BEH mechanism before we  move to electroweak phenomenology (Section 5 in The Standard Model of Electroweak Interactions by A. Pich and Ch. 16 and 17 in Thomson). Slides which will be used during lectures are found here (slide 70 and onwards). On Wed. we will have a tutorial on the use of ATLAS OpenData. We can also discuss compulsory project 1 if there are any issues/questions.

Publisert 24. jan. 2020 15:36

Next week (Jan 27- 31) we will continue our discussion of the electroweak interactions and the spontaneous breaking of the electroweak symmetry. This is covered in Chapter 11, 15 and 17 in Thomson and Section 3 and 4 in The Standard Model of Electroweak Interactions by A. Pich. Slides which will be used during lectures are found here (slide 39 and onwards). On Wednesday we will continue with the compHep exercises we started last week. I.e. exercises 1.1 - 1.3 here (more exercises will be added to this document later).

Publisert 21. jan. 2020 11:47

It turned out to be difficult to move the lectures so we will stick with the original and continue to have the lectures on Monday 10:15-12:00 and Wednesday 10:15-12:00.

Publisert 18. jan. 2020 15:30

We will continue to discuss QED interactions before we move to QCD and discussion of quarks and gluons. We will see how to derive the QCD lagrangian and what implications such a non-abelian gauge theory has in collider experiments. The topics are covered in chapter 9 and 10 in Thomson and chapter 2 in The Standard Model of Electroweak Interactions by A. Pich.

On Wednesday we will work on the CompHep example in Appendix B of High pT Physics at Hadron Colliders by Dan Green.