The lecture will be streamed from Lille fysiske auditorium in the west wing of the Physics building, but if you like to join us in person you are most welcome!
The topic is thermal analysis and the text is taken from chapter 10 in "Characterization: Introduction to Microscopic and Spectroscopic Methods" by Yang Leng. The book is available from the library: Materials Characterization | Wiley Online Books (Lenker til en ekstern side.) (UiO computer or remote desktop).
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 623 8452 7654, Passcode: 823295
The focus is still on binary phase diagrams, but we will look into a more advanced way of using them and at the same time introduce the concept microstructure. No specific part of the curriculum.
Unfortunately Zoom only:
Meeting ID: 683 8218 1528, Passcode: 602619
I have also posted this in Canvas. Sorry if I bother you twice, but it is kind of important.
I see that all of you are in Oslo. Is there any need to stream the lecture? The auditorium, Lille Fysiske Auditorium, should be big enough so that we can keep a safe distance.
If you want streaming, please tell me as soon as possible. It is actually very nice if all of you can send me an e-mail stating whether you want streaming or not.
Ole B
De to f?rste ukene blir undervisningen p? zoom. Se timeplanen for informasjon om tema og pensum. Zoomlinkene er som f?lger:
Time: Jan 18, 2022 10:15 AM Oslo
Meeting ID: 661 8771 3945, Passcode: 076886
Time: Jan 20, 2022 10:15 AM Oslo
Meeting ID: 672 1203 7155, Passcode: 473060
Time: Jan 25, 2022 10:15 AM Oslo
Meeting ID: 683 8218 1528, Passcode: 602619
Time: Jan 27, 2022 10:15 AM Oslo
Meeting ID: 623 8452 7654, Passcode: 823295
Vi kommer til ? benytte en ny l?rebok:
"Principles of materials characterization and metrology" av Kannan M. Krishnan utgitt i 2021.
Boken er tilgjengelig som e-book gjennom Universitetsbiblioteket og vil om kort tid v?re tilgjengelig p? Akademika p? Blindern i papirformat. Pensumlitteratur knyttet til termisk analyse kommer i tillegg.