
Published Feb. 15, 2017 6:19 PM

It is pleasure to report successful start of the course. Students are active and enthusiastic. We already have seven short presentations given by the students. The presentations are on website in the link to the right. We visited Superconductivity Laboratory and the Laboratory of Solid-State Chemistry discussing nano-research that is carried out there. We are now in the main part of the course. Students are encouraged not to miss lectures and practicals and start giving main compulsory presentations.

Published Dec. 8, 2016 2:40 PM

Welcome to Nanophysics! We are living in the age of Nanotechnology. This short course is a nice opportunity to find out what physics is behind the nanotechnology revolution. It suits both physicists and chemists. It does not require exceptionally good mathematical skills or deep knowledge of Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics, but it does require your enthusiasm. After the course you will be able to answer questions given in the link to this webpage. I am looking forward starting an interesting journey together with you.