FYS-GEO4520 – Introduction to thermodynamic geomodeling
Course content
Basic thermodynamic problems. Construction of phase diagrams as constrained optimization problem. Phase transformations in single component system. Multicomponent systems, phases with fixed composition. Solution models. Dissolution, precipitation and melting in binary systems. Multicomponent systems, phases with variable composition. Matlab: program structure; matrix elements and vectors, linprog function.
Learning outcome
The course will enable the students to formulate, program and solve thermodynamical problems using constrained optimization methods. Through the course, the students will build up and test a library of modeling tools that can then be used to address general thermodynamical aspects of geomodeling problems.
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Formal prerequisite knowledge
Recommended previous knowledge
Bachelor degree in physics, geoscience or applied mathematics.
The course contains 30 hours of lectures, and a series of 10 compulsory computer-based exercises.
Evaluation of compulsory exercises (Pass/fail). Final oral exam (Pass/fail).