Semesterside for FYS3410 - V?r 2016


Dear All.

Assignments 2, 4, 5 are selected for delivery. As previously, the dead line is Friday the 20/5 at 16:00.



14. mai 2016 12:24

Dear All,

Please make sure you have booked your time for the final examination during the 30-31/5/2016. The booking is made directly to me during the teaching hours or via email. Choose the time available from the form in the corresponding link ("exam").





3. mai 2016 09:25

Dear All.

Assingments 1, 4, 5, 6 are selected for delivery. As previously, the dead line is Friday  noon this week.



18. apr. 2016 15:29

Dear All,

During the next lecture (the 11/4) we will dedicate some time for the "midterm evaluation" of the course. There is a document available at the course website that I will print out, bring to the lecture, and ask you to comment. The reason I put it on the website is twofold: (i) possibly you would have time to look though the questions in advance and (ii) you may not be present on the 11/4 by still have access to the midterm evaluation questions and can potentially give me the feedback simply by delivering this form into the FYS3410-box at the Desk Office at the Dept of Physics.

Thanks in advance.



9. apr. 2016 15:24

Dear All


The results for Compulsory Assingments II are now published. Thanks for very good work!





9. apr. 2016 15:13