Semesterside for FYS3510 - V?r 2014

Some students passed by and asked questions (and got projects back). The remaining commented copies can be found at the secretariat of physics institute (ekpedisjonskontor).

30. mai 2014 18:51

As reported before I will be available during the whole day tomorrow for questions and discussion of the 2nd project.

In my office or seminar room ?393. Send me email in case.


30. mai 2014 00:03

I had problems with my voice today after one hour of talking. I am afraid it will be hard tomorrow to do the 5 hours teaching (3 hours FYS4560 in the morning and 2 hours FYS3510 in the afternoon).

I suggest to have written questions and answers instead, either through Skype or email. From 14:15-16:00.

Today we went through the Fermi model and introduced the shell model. Read the material in slides 19-23. This is enough to go through the proposed exercises on Thursday. I planned to continue alpha decay and beta decay tomorrow. I ask you to read these parts in the book and go through the slides. 

19. mai 2014 20:39