Semesterside for FYS3510 - V?r 2016


Today from 14:15 to 15:30 there will be a session of questions and answers, as well as feedback on assignment 2. I remind you that you need the Particle physics booklet from the Particle Data Group at the exam. Don't forget it. I still have a few copies in case.



31. mai 2016 13:37

The schedule of the remaining lecture has been updated. Read the content.

The document fys350-16-pensum contains further information about the "exam pensum". This will be updated during the next days. 

All delivered assignments II are approved. Good luck with the exam! For the moment, a calculator and the small Particle physics booklet of Particle Data Group are allowed. 

21. mai 2016 22:23
Some people asked about the 2014 Exam questions (ORAL) posted on the web.
IMPORTANT: these are examples of sets of ORAL exams from 2014. The WRITTEN exam in 2016 will be of different form with more calculations and detailed questions, in the line of the first 2 assignments! 
12. mai 2016 11:25