Text book Kenneth S. Krane "Introductory Nuclear Physics"

Curriculum FYS3520

Textbook: Kenneth S. Krane,

"Introductory Nuclear Physics"

the plan is to cover these pages, with "lesestoff" given in ()

p. 2-86                                            (2.3-2.5 and 3.2)                  

p. 100-191                                      (4.3)

p. 246-295                                      not 8.6

p. 327-361                                      not 10.9

Chapter 13: 13.1-13.3 and 13.5-13.6 fission and reactors covered by the lectures at the Halden reactor and the lecture by Sunniva Rose on April 27th.

Chapter 20: p. 800-812  medical applications covered by Eirik Malinens lecture on April 13th



Publisert 9. mars 2015 12:48 - Sist endret 2. juni 2016 10:13