Exercise 3 + 4

Fys4230 fall 2004

First tutorial (beam design) in Coventorware

Deadline 2/11-2004


The students will work in pairs when using Coventorware.


Pairs that will use the physics department license at tid.uio.no



Thorgrim + Henning


Akbar + Komar


?ge + Lars ?ge


Jakob + Helge


Rubina + Meyandi (+Akbar?)



Pairs that will use the IFI department license at beli.ifi.uio.no



Joselito + Espen


Jan + Ole Petter


Lena + Dag



Pairs that will use the license at Vestfold University College



Kristin + Lars



Remember to exit Coventorware by File > EXIT, or the license computer will have to be restarted!!!!



1) Get yourself access to Coventorware

a) Install Coventorware on your PC from CD from Akbar Ali Khan (a.a.khan@fys.uio.no , at the Physics department) or Johannes Goplen (at IFI)


b) Use any PC at UiO. Remote login at ?kilo.uio.no

For Windows XP:? start terminal server 's session from Start --> All Programs -->Accessories --> Communications --> Remote

Desktop Connection


If you use a linux pc write %rdesktop kilo.uio.no and then use Coventorware from there.

Akbar writes: The default windows

size/resolution is 1024x768 which is too small on

a good screen and can changed by using command line option -g for

example I am using this command to invoke kilo

% rdesktop -g1280x1024 kilo.uio.no




2) Find and read the instructions for the tutorial you will work through step by step. Find the pdf file at

Coventorware > Documentation > Analyzer tutorials.

In this pdf file you will find Tutorial 1: Beam design.


3) Perform the Beam Design tutorial by starting the Coventorware program and go through all the steps described in the tutorial.

Answer the following question:

After step 40 of the beam design tutorial (page 55), rerun the MemMech simulation with a smaller pressure applied to the top surface of the beam: 0,0005 MPa. What is the largest deflection in the z-direction of the beam now? At which position of the beam is the maximum deflection? Plot the max z-deflection of the beam as function of the pressure for the three pressures you modeled.

Also, write some lines about your experience with Coventorware, problems that occurred etc.

?Each pair can mail the answers to liv.furuberg[p?]sintef.no
