I have now downloaded a …
I have now downloaded a selection of tasks for this cource translated to English; you'll find them in a pdf file both under "Oppgaver" and "obligatorisk oppgave RTG". The obligatory task on RTG is Problem 1 a, b, c, d, e and f, Problem 2 and Problem 3. The deadline is 8. March. You may either scan a handwritten file and mail me at hilde.olerud@nrpa.no, or send by post to Hilde M. Olerud, Statens str?levern, Boks 55, 1332 ?ster?s. You need to pass to access the examamination, but the result do not count to the final mark. The problems we will go though friday will be of the same kind as the obligatory task, so welcome! bw HILDE
Publisert 13. feb. 2013 13:36
- Sist endret 16. apr. 2013 13:18