Course content

Materials for solar cells: semi-conductors. Battery materials : Li-batteries, metal-hydrid-batteries. Materials for hydrogen technology: production (electrolysis), storage (hydrids), fuel cells. Materials used in connection with gas power (catalysts, microporous materials, membranes).

Learning outcome

The object of the course is to give the students an overview of structure and properties of some important material groups which are the basis of modern energy technology. Also the course introduces some principles for applications.


Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for in Studentweb.

If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about admission requirements and procedures.


Formal prerequisite knowledge

In addition to fulfilling the minimum requirements for entrance to higher education in Norway, you must either have 2MX/2MY/3MZ and 3MX/3FY/3KJ/3BI/(2KJ+3BT)/(2BI+3BT) from Norwegian upper secondary school, or have completed equivalent studies in mathematics as well as physics, or chemistry, or biology at upper secondary school or university level at another educational institution. Read more about fulfilling special requirements.

Recommended previous knowledge

MEF1000 – Materials and energy (discontinued), KJM1010 – Kjemiske prinsipper og strukturer (discontinued), KJM1030 – Uorganisk kjemi (discontinued), FYS1120 – Electromagnetism

Overlapping courses

The information about overlap between courses might not be complete. Please contact the Dept. of Physics if you have further enquiries about overlap.


The course extends over a full semester with 2 hours of lectures and 2 hours of colloquia per week.


Compulsory project work which is evaluated through an oral exam. Letter grade.

For detailed information about examinations at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences please see

This subject does not offer new examination in the beginning of the subsequent term for candidates who withdraw during an ordinary examination or fail an ordinary examination. For general information about new examination, see /studier/admin/eksamen/sykdom-utsatt/mn/index.html

Facts about this course


This version of the course is offered for the last time fall 2007. MENA3200 – Energy Materials (continued) will be offered from fall 2008.


Last examination semester is Autumn 2009.

Teaching language
Norwegian (English on request)